Syllabus For The Subject Business Ethics

1. Ethics and business
a. Business ethics and its issues
b. Moral development and moral reasoning
c. Arguments for and against business ethics
d. Moral responsibility and blame


2. Ethical principles in business
a. Utilitarianism: Weighing Social Costs and Benefits
b. Rights and duties
c. Justice and fairness
d. The ethics of care
e. Integrating utility, rights, justice, and caring
f. An alternative to moral principles : virtue ethics
g. Morality in international context


3. The business system: Government, Markets and International Trade
a. Free markets and rights: John Locke
b. Free markets and utility
c. Free trade and utility
d. Marx and justice
e. Conclusion


4. Ethics in the marketplace
a. Perfect competition
b. Monopoly competition
c. Oligopolistic competition

d. Oligopolies and public policy


5. Ethics and the environment
a. The dimensions of the pollution and resource depletion
b. The ethics of pollution and resource depletion
c. The ethics of pollution control
d. The ethics of conserving depletion resources


6. The ethics of consumer production and marketing
a. Markets and consumer protections
b. The contract view of business firm’s duties to consumer
c. The due care theory
d. Advertising ethics


7. The ethics of job discrimination
a. Job discrimination: its nature
b. Discrimination : its extent
c. Discrimination : its utility , rights, and justice
d. Affirmative action


8. The individual in the organization
a. The relational organization
b. The employee’s obligations to the firm
c. The firm’s duties to the employee
d. The political organization
e. Employee rights
f. Organizational politics Protection Status
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