B. Tech In Electronics and Telecommunication | Distance/Online Education | NIMT

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Course Code:Bachelor-program in Electronics
Course Duration Fast-Track:12  Months
Duration Normal:48  Months
Semester/Year/Section:2  Sessions
Course Fee:Rs. 18350 /Sessions
Exam Fee:Rs. 2500  /Sessions
Registration Fee:Rs. 2000/-
E-Book Fee:Rs. 2500 /Year
Eligibility:Diploma/ 10+2 (With Experiance)

In an era of rapid technological advancements, the field of Electronics and Telecommunication has emerged as a crucial pillar of modern society. To meet the increasing demand for skilled professionals in this domain, Neptune Institute of Management and Technologies (NIMT) is offering a Bachelor Program in Electronics and Telecommunication through Distance/Online Education. Tailored to meet the needs of working professionals, this course opens up new avenues for personal and professional growth. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of this program, including its eligibility, duration, scope, advantages over regular mode, and its worthiness.


Why This Course?

The Bachelor Program in Electronics and Telecommunication offered by NIMT holds immense significance in the current scenario. With the ever-expanding telecommunications sector and the rapid development of electronic devices, there is a growing demand for skilled engineers and professionals in this field. This course equips students with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills, making them adept at designing, developing, and managing complex electronic and telecommunication systems.


Moreover, the course is designed to cater specifically to the needs of working professionals. Many individuals in the electronics and telecommunication industry may already be employed but aspire to enhance their qualifications and skillsets. Distance/Online Education allows them to strike a balance between work, personal life, and education. By pursuing this course, individuals can advance their careers, stay relevant in the competitive job market, and achieve their academic goals without leaving their current jobs.


Eligibility for the Course

To be eligible for the Bachelor Program in Electronics and Telecommunication through Distance/Online Education at NIMT, applicants must fulfill certain criteria:


a) Educational Qualifications: Candidates should have successfully completed their 10+2 (or equivalent) examination from a recognized board with a background in Science (Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics).


b) Work Experience (for Working Professionals): As this course is primarily designed for working professionals, applicants need to have a minimum of two years of work experience in the relevant field. This requirement ensures that the course caters to individuals seeking career advancement and skill enhancement opportunities.


Duration of the Course

The duration of the Bachelor Program in Electronics and Telecommunication through Distance/Online Education varies depending on the institute's curriculum and the student's pace of learning. Typically, the course spans three to four years. However, NIMT has designed its program with flexibility in mind, allowing students to complete the course within a maximum duration of six years from the date of enrollment. This extended timeline ensures that students have enough time to balance their work commitments while pursuing their education.


Scope of the Course

The scope of the Bachelor Program in Electronics and Telecommunication is vast and promising. In today's technology-driven world, electronic devices and telecommunication systems are integral to various industries, including telecommunications, healthcare, automotive, aerospace, defense, and entertainment. Graduates of this course can explore a wide range of career opportunities, such as:


a) Electronics Engineer: Graduates can work as electronics engineers, involved in designing, developing, and testing electronic systems, components, and devices.


b) Telecommunication Specialist: With expertise in telecommunication systems, graduates can work as telecommunication specialists, handling the installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of communication networks.


c) Embedded Systems Engineer: The course equips students with skills in embedded systems, making them suitable candidates for roles involving the development and programming of embedded devices and systems.


d) Network Administrator: As network administrators, graduates can manage and maintain computer networks within an organization, ensuring seamless data communication.


e) Research and Development: The course also opens doors to research and development opportunities, where graduates can contribute to innovative advancements in the electronics and telecommunication industry.


Advantages of Distance/Online Education Over Regular Mode

Distance/Online Education offers several advantages over the traditional regular mode of learning, especially for working professionals. Some key benefits include:


a) Flexibility: One of the primary advantages of Distance/Online Education is the flexibility it offers. Students can access course materials and lectures online, enabling them to study at their convenience and pace. This flexibility allows individuals to balance their work, family responsibilities, and education effectively.


b) Cost-effectiveness: Distance/Online Education eliminates the need for relocation or commuting to a physical campus, significantly reducing expenses related to accommodation, transportation, and other campus-related costs. This makes higher education more affordable for working professionals.


c) Personalized Learning: In Distance/Online Education, students have the freedom to choose their study schedule and can revisit course materials as needed. This personalized learning experience helps individuals grasp concepts better and enhances their understanding of the subject matter.


d) Learning While Working: Working professionals can continue their job commitments while pursuing higher education. This provides an opportunity for immediate application of newly acquired knowledge and skills in the workplace, which can lead to professional growth and recognition.


e) Diverse Learning Resources: Distance/Online Education utilizes various online platforms, multimedia content, and interactive learning tools to engage students effectively. These resources enhance the learning experience and cater to different learning styles.


f) No Geographic Limitations: Distance/Online Education transcends geographical boundaries, enabling students from all parts of the country to access quality education from reputed institutes without relocating.


Is This Course in Distance/Online Mode Worth It?

The question of whether the Bachelor Program in Electronics and Telecommunication through Distance/Online Education is worth it depends on individual circumstances and goals. For working professionals seeking to enhance their qualifications while maintaining their careers, this course offers an excellent opportunity. Here are some aspects to consider:


a) Career Advancement: This course equips students with industry-relevant skills, making them more competitive in the job market. For individuals aiming for career advancement or a switch to a more specialized domain within electronics and telecommunication, this course can prove highly beneficial.


b) Networking Opportunities: Distance/Online Education programs often facilitate online networking among students and professionals in the same field. This network can be invaluable for sharing knowledge, ideas, and job opportunities.


c) Balance Between Work and Education: For individuals who are already employed, pursuing a degree through Distance/Online Education allows them to balance work commitments with their educational aspirations.


d) Affordability: Distance/Online Education is often more cost-effective than regular courses, making it an attractive option for those looking to acquire higher qualifications without straining their finances.


However, it is essential to ensure that the Distance/Online Education program is offered by a reputable institute like NIMT, known for its quality education, industry-relevant curriculum, and skilled faculty.


Frequently Asked Questions:


Q1. Can I pursue the Bachelor Program in Electronics and Telecommunication while working full-time?


A1. Yes, the course is specifically designed for working professionals. The flexible schedule of Distance/Online Education enables you to pursue the program while continuing with your job.


Q2. How are practical sessions conducted in the Distance/Online Mode?


A2. Distance/Online Education programs often include practical sessions that can be completed in various ways. Some institutes conduct on-campus workshops during weekends or holidays. Others may have tie-ups with local institutions or industries where students can attend practical sessions.


Q3. What is the accreditation status of NIMT and its Distance/Online Education programs?


A3. NIMT is a recognized and accredited institute offering Distance/Online Education programs. It is crucial to verify the accreditation status of any institute before enrolling in any Distance/Online Education program.


Q4. Will Distance/Online Education affect the value of my degree in the job market?


A4. As long as you pursue the course from a reputable and accredited institute like NIMT, the value of your degree in the job market remains intact. Many employers today recognize the significance of Distance/Online Education and appreciate candidates who can manage both work and education simultaneously.



The Bachelor Program in Electronics and Telecommunication through Distance/Online Education at NIMT provides a golden opportunity for working professionals to achieve their academic goals without disrupting their careers. The course's focus on industry-relevant skills, flexibility in learning, and the potential for career advancement makes it a highly attractive option for aspiring engineers and professionals in the field. By obtaining a recognized degree from a reputable institute, students can stay competitive in the job market and contribute effectively to the ever-evolving electronics and telecommunication industry. However, it is essential to thoroughly research the course and institute to ensure it aligns with one's career aspirations and personal preferences. With dedication, commitment, and the right educational institution, this course can be the stepping stone to a successful and fulfilling career in electronics and telecommunication.


Sr. No. Subject Name Sem/Year/Section Syllabus
1 Engineering Mathematics 1 Syllabus
2 Material Science 1 Syllabus
3 Strength of Materials 1 Syllabus
4 Non Conventional Energy Sources 1 Syllabus
5 Computer aided drafting & drawing(with Basic Compu 1 Syllabus
6 Electronics Device Circuit 2 Syllabus
7 Digital Circuit 2 Syllabus
8 Electronic Communication 2 Syllabus
9 Control System 2 Syllabus
10 Electronic Measurements & Instrumentation 2 Syllabus
11 Digital Signal Processing 2 Syllabus
12 Signals & Systems 2 Syllabus
13 Integrated Circuit 2 Syllabus
14 Satellite Communication 2 Syllabus
15 Microwave & Radar 2 Syllabus
16 Antenna Engineering 2 Syllabus
17 Switching Theory & Logic Circuit 2 Syllabus
18 PROJECT 2 Syllabus