BBA - (Hospitality Management) Bachelor-program in Business Administration-(Hospital) Distance/Online Education

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Course Duration Fast-Track:12  Months
Duration Normal:38  Months
Semester/Year/Section:3  Years
Course Fee:Rs. 9566 /Year
Exam Fee:Rs. 1750  /Year
E-Book Fee:Rs. 1000 /Year
Registration Fee:Rs. 1000/-
Eligibility:Diploma / 10 + 2 (With Experience)


BBA in Hospitality Management make the individual learn about the fastest growing hospitality sector. This course makes one efficient in all the disciplines of hospitality as marketing, administration and finance which is essential for managers to take efficient decisions in consideration to their business. This training enhances the ability to take the decision strategically and critically. This course can be done after 10+2. After the course one can choose any career of his choice in hospitality industry as Training Manager, Restaurant Manager, Front Office Manager, Guest Relation Manager, Food and Beverage Manager, Hotel Manager and many other career options are there.


NIMT - Neptune Institute of Management and Technology offer Bachelor Program in Business Administration (BBA) in Hospitality Management through Distance/Online Education mode.